Why Blazor? An Overview
Is Blazor a legitimate web development framework? What is it? How does it work? What are the benefits? What are the limitations? How does it compare to other web development frameworks?
Blazor is a open source framework to create rich interactive user interfaces using C# instead of JavaScript. The system shares server-side and client-side application logic written within the .NET framework. User interfaces are rendered as HTML and CSS for wide browser support, including mobile browsers. Hybrid desktop and mobile applications can be built using Blazor. -learn.microsoft.com
Here are some of the reasons why Blazor is a favorable framework:
- Blazor is a free and open-source framework.
- Existing .NET libraries in the .NET ecosystem can be leveraged into solutions.
- WebAssembly is supported by all major browsers.
- Blazor has the ability to create rich web UI experiences using HTML, CSS, and C#.
- JavaScript is not needed but can still be integrated into Blazor solutions.
- Blazor is a cross-platform, component-based framework.
- Blazor is a relatively mature and well supported framework.
- Watch this overview of Blazor: 🎦Blazor: Why 2024 is the Year of Blazor.
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