CSE 325: .NET Software Development

Setup: Development Environment


This setup activity will prepare you with the development tools, extensions, and services necessary to complete the assigned activities and projects in the course.

All of these tools and services are free to use for the duration of the course. You do NOT need to purchase any software or services nor provide a credit card to complete this course.


Integrated Development Environment

This course will uses Visual Studio Code versus Visual Studio "Full". The full version Visual Studio IDE is a full-featured development tool for Windows that is used by many professional developers. However, it is a large download and more restrictive platform given its power. Visual Studio Code is a lightweight IDE that is easy to use and has a large community of developers that have created extensions to add functionality to the IDE. It is also cross-platform, meaning that it can be used on Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems.


Repo Hosting and Project Management: Azure DevOps

Server Environment / Manager