CSE 325: .NET Software Development

Introducing .NET


The .NET is an free, open source, cross-platform development system that is used to build applications. It is a collection of libraries, tools, and languages that allow developers to create web applications, desktop applications, mobile applications, games, and more.

".NET is a free, cross-platform, open-source developer platform for building many kinds of applications. .NET is built on a high-performance runtime that is used in production by many high-scale apps." – learn.microsoft.com


  1. Watch 🎦What is .NET? – .NET for Beginners (Video 1 of 8 only).

    ⚠️ The other videos in this series demonstrate .NET concepts and tools using the full Visual Studio IDE and so they are optional. Do NOT download and use the Visual Studio SDK regardless if some of the course demonstrations use that development platform. This course uses the free, Visual Studio Code IDE.

  2. Read 📄What is .NET – dotnet.microsoft.net
  3. Read 📄Why Choose .NET? – dotnet.microsoft.net
  4. Browse 🪟.NET Customer Showcase – dotnet.microsoft.net


  1. Complete the following 'Hello World' .NET Tutorial in preparation to complete training modules in this week's assignment. .NET Tutorial
  2. After completing the Edit your code step successfully, change the Console.WriteLine method to use a C# interpolated strings versus string concatenation.
  3. Add another WriteLine statement that correctly provides the number of days until the next Christmas.
Console screenshot with days until christmas output included.
Figure 1: Example console output screenshot.

Additional Resources


  1. Be prepared to answer questions in Canvas about the content in this learning activity.