W01 Activity: Personal Software Portfolio
To prepare for the individual modules that you will implement in each Sprint, you must first ensure that you have a working development environment and that you understand how to submit software in this course. During this first week, you will create the classic "Hello World" software to start your Personal Software Portfolio.
Your portfolio should contain all the software you have created in your effort to either learn new technologies or solve new problems. The code by itself is insufficient when we consider the scientific method which includes evidence of a problem statement, research, hypothesis, experimentation, and conclusions. Each piece of software that you include within your portfolio must have documentation. The documentation serves many purposes, including the following:
- Potential employers will understand the purpose and scope of our software, including the breadth of knowledge that we have regarding the subject.
- Other engineers can learn from our work and potentially collaborate with us on improvements.
- We can recall where we stopped our investigation so that later we can continue with our learning.
The software you put in our portfolio must be suitable for sharing with everyone. Solutions to specific academic problems and proprietary solutions from your company should not be included. In this course, however, you will be asked to create content that is very appropriate for your portfolio. Everything that we create in this course will be required to be shared in the public repository called GitHub. The Prove assignment this week will be to establish a well-documented GitHub account.
The instructions for the "Hello World" software below are intended to represent the process you will follow throughout the course. You can watch a video demonstration of this assignment here: Hello World Video Demonstration.
- Keep a log of the time you spend on this assignment. You will have to report your time when you submit your assignment.
- If you don't already have a GitHub account, create a GitHub Account.
- Edit your GitHub profile to include a picture, name, and brief biography (e.g. "Computer Science Student at BYU-Idaho").
- If you don't already have Git installed on your computer, then install Git.
- If you don't already have Visual Studio Code installed on your computer, then install Visual Studio Code. You are allowed to use any tool for developing your software in this course. In some of the modules, guidance is given for the recommended IDE (integrated development environment) tools to use for specific technologies and languages.
- Create a new folder (i.e. sub-directory) on your computer for your "Hello World" software. For each module this semester, you will want to create a new folder for each software program that you write so you can configure it separately into different GitHub repositories. The name of the folder should be appropriate for either what you are learning or the name of the software. Avoid putting "CSE310" in the name of the folder.
- Write your "Hello World" software in
any programming language. You are encouraged to use a language that is already available on your computer from previous learning. Don't spend too long on this step but feel free to add your personality to the traditional "Hello World" software. At a minimum, the software should print "Hello World" on the screen. - Download the README.md template for this assignment. Put the file in the new folder that you created with your code. This file is written in the Markdown language. Refer to the Markdown Language Cheatsheet for help with the syntax. All text enclosed in curly braces should be removed and replaced with your text without curly braces. This file will be displayed publicly on GitHub so be careful with spelling, grammar, and professionalism. Note that you will have a different README.md template to use for each module that you select during the semester.
- All software that you create this semester will include a video. The video needs to show your face, include a demonstration, and a code walkthrough.
Create a one-minute video that shows your face, provides a demonstration, and a walkthrough of your Hello World software.
Future videos for other modules this semester will be longer. The video should be published publicly
(or unlisted if desired) on a video-sharing site like YouTube. Use the YouTube Upload
Videos support page if you need additional instructions. Include a link to your video in
the following places:
- In the assignment submit document
- In the HelloWorld channel in Microsoft Teams (to share with other students in the class)
- In your README.md file. You may choose to not include the video in your README.md file if you do not want to have the video link public.
- Publish your code and README.md (everything in the folder you created) into a public (not private) GitHub repository.
- Download the cse310_personal_software_portfolio_online.docx to provide the link to the public repository you created. There is a checklist in the template that you should complete to ensure that everything has been completed. You will also have to report how much time you spent on this activity. There will be a submission document like this to submit for all the modules you complete in this course.
Upload the completed software portfolio document to Canvas
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