CSE 300: Professional Readiness

W06 Team Activity: Share Informational Interview Insights

For this activity, you will need to meet with your gathering group for a one hour synchronous meeting.



Meeting Agenda

Use the following agenda to guide your meeting.

Begin with Prayer

Discuss Remote Work Tips (10 minutes)

As a group, discuss the following questions:

  1. Have you ever worked remotely before? What did you like and not like about it?
  2. If you had to highlight two points from the learning activity, which two do you think are most important?
  3. What would be the hardest part of working remotely for you? What could you do to help with that challenge?

Share Informational Interview Insights (50 minutes)

For this step, take turns sharing the insights you have gained from your informational interviews during this course.

Help One Another

If someone has not been able to complete their informational interviews yet, take time to brainstorm ideas with them to help each other be as successful as possible.

Each person should answer the following questions:

  1. How many interviews have you completed so far?
  2. If you have not finished at least three, what are your plans for finishing them up?
  3. For each interview that you have completed, share with the group:
    • Who did you interview?
    • What is their current position?
    • How did you get connected with them?
    • How did they get started in the field?
    • What assignments did they give you?
    • What else stands out from your interview?

Conclude (1 minute)

This is the final team meeting of the semester!

This is your chance to thank one another for the fun you have had together and the things you have learned. If you haven't already, make sure to connect with each other on LinkedIn and stay in touch.


After you have finished this activity, return to Canvas and submit the associated quiz there.

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