Transcript: What is your greatest weakness
A common interview question you might get asked in an interview is “What is one of your weaknesses?”
One way to answer this question is to use the following model:
• Think about a strength.
• What is a weakness you have as a result of that strength?
• How have you overcome that weakness?
So, think about one of your strengths that contributes well to the work force. Then, think about a weakness that has resulted from you using your strength. For example, let’s say that you are good at supporting your team members when they ask for help, but if you are not careful, you can overextend yourself because of your willingness to help. You could say something like: “I enjoy being a team player and I am always willing to help others with projects when asked. But sometimes this has caused me to overextend myself by saying yes even if I don’t have the time.”
Then, the most important part of your answer is to share how you have overcome your weakness so you can show it isn’t an issue with your performance. “I have learned to overcome this weakness by first evaluating my projects, deadlines, and responsibilities. I am realistic about how much time I need to successfully complete my own responsibilities. That gives me an idea of how much time I can dedicate to supporting others when they ask. Because I am more realistic with my time, I can quickly determine when I can say yes or no, and what I can say yes to later. This approach has helped me keep my performance high and continue to support my co-workers; I don't overextend myself like I used to.”
Why do hiring managers ask this question? They are assessing a few things.
• How self-aware you are about your abilities.
• How genuine you are as a person - meaning you aren’t using a cliché weakness like "I work too hard” or “I’m a perfectionist.”
• Will your weakness be an issue for the position and/or company?
• Do you work to improve your weaknesses?
So, remember when developing an answer for this question you can use the model:
• Think about a strength.
• What is a weakness you have as a result of that strength?
• How have you overcome that weakness?
Good luck with your interview!