CSE 300: Professional Readiness

W04 Team Activity: Practice Technical Interviewing Skills

For this activity, you will need to meet with your gathering group for a one hour synchronous meeting.



Being able to collaborate with others is an essential skill in any organization. It is also a BYU-Idaho Learning Outcome: Skilled Collaborators.

Meeting Agenda

Use the following agenda to guide your meeting.

Begin with Prayer

Discuss Technical Interviewing Skills (5 minutes)

As a group, discuss the following questions:

  1. Did you learn anything new from the learning activity this week?
  2. What is the interviewer trying to learn about you in an interview?

Practice (20 minutes per person)

For this step, take turns asking each other technical job interview questions. Each person should get to answer at least one question.

You may use any question you like. If you need ideas, try searching the internet for "technical job interview questions" or something similar.

At the end of the question, make sure to:

  1. Point out things that you liked about their approach.
  2. Offer a few suggestions for improvement.

Conclude (1 minute)

  1. See if anyone in the group has any questions about the remaining assignments for the week.
  2. Decide on a person to be the lead student for the next meeting.


After you have finished this activity, return to Canvas and submit the associated quiz there.

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