Transcript: Organizing sections on a resume
How do you organize the sections on your resume? The answer depends on your experience and what your audience is seeking. A study done by The Ladders revealed that people read a resume and an F or E shaped pattern and tend to focus more on information included on the top of your resume. So, keep that in mind as you organize your sections.
The most common types of sections found on a resume or your contact information, professional summary or profile, education, work experience, and skills. Other sections that can be helpful or volunteer experience, certifications, languages, awards, etc.
You don't always have to include every section and how you order your resume sections depends on what you want the reader to see first. There isn't a right or wrong way to do it, so always consider who your audience is and what do they want to know about a candidate.
For most college students, that means listing your education first and then your work experience. For others, it means having a headline or summary and then experience. Whatever you choose, make sure it communicates your value in the best possible way to the reader.
In each section, you should always list your most recent experience first. This is called reverse chronological order. If you have an older experience that is more relevant to the position for which you are applying and want the reader to see it first, you can always create a section called relevant work experience and listed there. Then add another section called additional work experience to list everything else in reverse chronological order.
The way you ordered your sections will change over time as you gain more experience. A good tip is to always organize your sections so that you display your most impressive traits and experiences at the top. The best way to determine if you are doing that is to reach out to contacts in your network who work in your desired industry. They will help you gain insights, so you know when you are spotlighting the right experiences based on your audience's needs.
Good luck organizing your resume.