W03 Assignment: Portfolio Review
Purpose: Update your public facing portfolio, including your:
- GitHub Profile
- LinkedIn Profile
- Resume
Follow the steps in this week's learning activity and any advice that you received from your group to update your Resume, LinkedIn Profile, and your GitHub Profile.
At a minimum, these three artifacts should contain the following:
- Contact information
- Links to your profiles at LinkedIn and GitHub, preferably in your contact information.
- Education History
- Experience (Work History)
- Skills and Technologies
LinkedIn Profile
- Professional Picture
- Summary
- Education History
- Experience (Work History)
GitHub Profile
- Personal Introduction
- Skills and Technologies
- Projects and Work
- GitHub Statistics
Submission Reminders
- Formatting: You are encouraged to follow the general format for resumes described in the week's materials. You are welcome to make slight changes according to your own needs, but your resume should be clean and organized and it should be easy to find your contact information and the various sections described in the learning activity.
- Submissions should be in English: For this assignment, your resume and portfolio must be in English. You are welcome to create an additional one in another language for your own needs, but in order for your teacher and the graders to properly evaluate this assignment, your submission must be in English.
- Resume must contain links: Remember that your resume should have links to your GitHub and LinkedIn portfolios. If these links are not present and obvious, the grader will not be able to access these pages to evaluate them. It is also a good idea to verify that these links will work for other people by opening them in a private/incognito tab.
- Privacy Concerns: If for personal, privacy reasons it is not possible for your to maintain a public presence, you should still complete the assignment, but may submit a PDF version instead of publicly accessible links.
For this assignment you will upload a copy of your resume in Canvas. (It will have links to both your LinkedIn profile and your GitHub profile so you do not have to submit them separately.)
After you have finished the instructions above.
- Return to Canvas to submit your resume.
Other Links:
- Return to Week Overview | Course Home