CSE 300: Professional Readiness

Transcript: How to use the employer list

What is an employer list? Why should I use one? And how do I use it?

The employer list is a document that will help you research, find, and organize a list of companies that could be a potential fit for your career in the future. This approach was inspired by “the 2-hour job search” by Steve Dalton.

Now, you may be asking yourself, why should I make an employer list? Did you know that most U.S. businesses are companies you have never heard of? Big companies like Amazon, Apple, or Tesla, make up only 1.3 percent of employers. That means that there are over 27 million companies you could potentially work for one day.

The employer list can help you identify some of those lesser-known companies. Now, how do I begin?

First, you will look for potential companies that could be a good fit for your career. A good starting point is to list 40 companies.

Think of your top ten dream companies and write them down.

Then list 10 companies you know who have hired alumni.

Next, list 10 companies who have listed job postings relevant to your career path.

And last, list 10 companies you recently read about, are trending online, or are doing something interesting, and you’d like to learn more about.

Now that you have 40 companies listed, it is time to find out if there are alumni who work there. You can use BYUI Connect and LinkedIn to help you.

Next, find out which companies on your list are actively hiring right now. Job search engines like Indeed.com can help you find this information. Then rate the relevance of the position to your career goals.

And finally, rate how motivated you are to work at each of the companies. Why? Because this gives you a starting point to do more research later.

Good luck on your employer list.