W06 Interview Question
This assignment must be completed individually to ensure you are meeting all course outcomes. You should not complete this assignment with a group. If you obtain help from a tutor, the tutor should help you understand principles but should not help you answer these problems. It is an honor code violation to obtain answers for these problems from others including using the internet (i.e. sites that allow students to share their solutions).
This assignment is meant to simulate the kind of question you might receive in a job interview. It is important for you to understand the problem, develop a quality solution, and communicate it in a clear and professional manner.
You will need to record and upload a short video with your response to the question below. When making your video, please remember the following:
- Show your your face.
- Speak clearly.
- The video should be less than 3 minutes.
- The video should be uploaded as a public, but unlisted video, so the grader can see it without permissions.
Binary Search Trees
Recall from the learning activity that a Binary Search Tree is a valid Binary Tree where all of the values in the left sub-tree are less than the current node, and all of the values in the right sub-tree are greater than the current node.
With this in mind, respond to the following prompt:
- Describe a recursive function that accepts a valid Binary Tree and determines if it is a Binary Search Tree.
When you have finished the video:
- Upload the video as a public, unlisted video.
- Return to Canvas to submit a link to your video.
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- Return to: Week Overview | Course Home