CSE 212: Programming with Data Structures

Learning Activity: Linked Lists

Linked List Structure

When we learned about the dynamic array, we saw that it was characterized by contiguous memory. Each item in a dynamic array is right next to the next item in memory. This allowed for very quick access to items in the dynamic array because memory addresses of each item could be calculated from a formula (address = startingAddress + (index * itemSize)). The queue, stack, set, and map were all based on memory organized in this way.

Shows a dynamic array with capacity 8 and size 7.  Indices 0 through 6 are populated with 8, 12, 31, 15, 4, 42, and 27.
Dynamic Array

A collection of data can also be stored in random places scattered throughout memory. A linked list is organized in this way. With a linked list, each element in the list is at some location in memory. There is no guarantee that one element will be next to another element. In order to keep our list together, each element (which we will call a node) will contain both the value and a link to the next node in the list. Specifically, the link will be a pointer to the location in memory that contains our next element.

Shows a linked list made up of 5 nodes.  Each node has a value and a NEXT that points to the next node.  The HEAD is pointing to the first node.  The nodes have the following values in order: 8, 12, 31, 15, 4.
Linked List

In the linked list shown above, the first node is called the head. If you know where the head is, then you can traverse the entire linked list by following the pointers. Most linked lists maintain a bi-directional linking between nodes. Bi-directional means that each node will maintain a pointer to both the next node and previous node. The doubly-linked list shown below has both a head and a tail.

Shows a doubly linked list made up of 5 nodes.  Each node has a value, a NEXT that points to the next node, and a PREV that points to the previous node.  The HEAD is pointing to the first node and the TAIL is pointing to the last node.  The nodes have the following values in order: 8, 12, 31, 15, 4.
Doubly-Linked List

Inserting into a Linked List

Unlike inserting into a dynamic array where we had to worry about moving items over towards the end to maintain contiguous memory, the act of inserting into a linked list only has an effect on its neighboring elements. Additionally, since we are going to use pointers to connect the nodes together, there is no need to worry about concerns such as capacity or growing the list like we did with a dynamic array. There are three scenarios to consider: insert at the head, insert at the tail, and insert at the middle.

Inserting at the head usually requires a four step process:

  1. Create a new node (we will call it newNode)
  2. Set the "next" of the new node to the current head (newNode.Next = head)
  3. Set the "prev" of the current head to the new node (head.Prev = newNode)
  4. Set the head equal to the new node (head = newNode)
Shows a doubly linked list made up of 5 nodes with values of 8, 12, 31, 15, and 4.  The four step process to add 42 to the beginning (HEAD) is shown: 1) Create a new node with value 42; 2) Connect NEXT of the new node to the node with value 8 (the HEAD); 3) Connect PREV from the node containing 8 to the new node; 4) Set HEAD equal to the new node.
Inserting at the Head of Linked List

There is a special case that exists for inserting at the head (and also inserting at the tail). If the linked list is empty (head == null)) then all we have to do is set both the head and the tail to the new node we created.

Inserting at the tail is similar to inserting at the head. The same four steps are followed but with respect to the tail the following should happen:

  1. Create a new node (we will call it newNode)
  2. Set the "prev" of the new node to the current tail (newNode.Prev = tail)
  3. Set the "next" of the current tail to the new node (tail.Next = newNode)
  4. Set the tail equal to the new node (tail = newNode)
Shows a doubly linked list made up of 5 nodes with values of 8, 12, 31, 15, and 4.  The four step process to add 23 to the end (TAIL) is shown: 1) Create a new node with value 23; 2) Connect PREV of the new node to the node with value 4 (the TAIL); 3) Connect NEXT from the node containing 4 to the new node; 4) Set TAIL equal to the new node.
Inserting at the Tail of a Linked List

The process for inserting into the middle is a little more complicated. In the picture below, we are trying to insert after node current. The process involves five steps as follows:

  1. Create a new node (we will call it newNode)
  2. Set the "prev" of the new node to the current node (newNode.Prev = current)
  3. Set the "next" of the new node to the next node after current (newNode.Next = current.Next)
  4. Set the "prev" of the "next" node after current to the new node (current.Next.Prev = newNode)
  5. Set the next of the current node to the new node (current.Next = newNode)
Shows a doubly linked list made up of 5 nodes with values of 8, 12, 31, 15, and 4.  The four step process to add 50 after the node with 31 (called CURRENT NODE) is shown: 1) Create a new node with value 50; 2) Connect PREV of the new node to the CURRENT NODE; 3) Connect NEXT from the new node to the node after CURRENT NODE (15); 4) Set the PREV of the node after CURRENT NODE to the new node; 5) Set the NEXT of the CURRENT NODE to the new node.
Inserting in the Middle of a Linked List

Removing from a Linked List

Removing the first (the head) or the last (this tail) node from a linked list is similar and involves updating the second node (or the second to last node in the case of removing from the tail). The process for removing the first node is as follows:

  1. Set the "prev" of the second node (head.Next) to nothing (head.Next.Prev = null)
  2. Set the head to be the second node (head = head.Next)

As a special case, if there was only one node in the linked list, the head and tail would need to be set to null thus creating an empty linked list.

Shows a doubly linked list made up of 5 nodes with values of 8, 12, 31, 15, and 4.  The two step process to remove 8 (HEAD): 1) Set the PREV of the second node (12) to nothing; 2) Set the HEAD to the second node.
Remove the Head from the Linked List

The process for removing the last node is as follows:

  1. Set the "next" of the second to last node (tail.Prev) to nothing (tail.Prev.Next = null)
  2. Set the tail to be the second to last node (tail = tail.Prev)
Shows a doubly linked list made up of 5 nodes with values of 8, 12, 31, 15, and 4.  The two step process to remove 4 (TAIL): 1) Set the NEXT of the second to last node (15) to nothing; 2) Set the TAIL to the second to last node.
Remove the Tail from the Linked List

The process to remove from the middle is not as complicated as inserting from the middle. In the picture below, we are trying to remove the node current. The process involves two steps:

  1. Set the prev of the node after current to the node before current (current.Next.Prev = current.Prev)
  2. Set the next of the node before current to the node after current (current.Prev.Next = current.Next)
Shows a doubly linked list made up of 5 nodes with values of 8, 12, 31, 15, and 4.  The two step process to remove the node with 31 (called the CURRENT NODE): 1) Set the PREV of the node after the CURRENT NODE (15) to the node before the CURRENT NODE (12); 2) Set the NEXT of the node before the CURRENT NODE to the node after the CURRENT NODE.
Remove from the Middle from the Linked List

Accessing from a Linked List

If we want to find a value in the linked list or if we want to find a specific node (for example, the 3rd node or the 10th node), we are required to loop through the linked list. We can start at either the head (if we want to go forward through the list) or we can start at the tail (if we want to go backward through the list). To loop through the list, we will follow the "next" (or the "prev" if going backwards from tail) links until we get to the end. The following code shows a basic traversal through a linked list.

private void GoForward()
    // Start at the beginning (the head)
    var current = _head;
    // Loop until we have reached the end (null)
    while (current != null)
        // Do something with the current node
        // Follow the pointer to the next node
        current = current.Next;

Linked Lists in C#

In your assignment this week you will be writing your own linked list class. However, C# does include a linked list class LinkedList<T>. The table below shows the common functions in the LinkedList.

Common Linked List Operation Description C# Code Performance
insert_head(value) Adds "value" before the head linkedList.AddFirst(value) O(1) - Just need to adjust the pointers near the head.
insert_tail(value) Adds "value" after the tail linkedList.AddLast(value) O(1) - Just need to adjust the pointers near the tail.
insert(node, value) Adds "value" after node "node". linkedList.AddAfter(node, value) O(n) - It's not complicated to adjust the pointers to insert, but it takes a loop to find the node to insert after.
remove_head() Removes the first item (the head) linkedList.RemoveFirst() O(1) - Adjusts the pointers near the head.
remove_tail(index) Removes the last item (the tail) linkedList.RemoveLast() O(1) - Just need to adjust the pointers near the head.
remove(node) Removes node "node". linkedList.Remove(node) O(n) - It's not complicated to adjust the pointers to remove, but it takes a loop to find the node to remove.
size() Return the size of the linked list linkedList.Count O(1) - The size is maintained within the linked list class.
empty() Returns true if the length of the linked list is zero. if (linkedList.Count == 0) O(1) - The comparison of the length with 0 is all that is needed.

Comparing Dynamic Array and Linked List

The dynamic array and linked list look the same to the user but because the memory is managed differently, the performance numbers are different. The table below compares these two data structures:

Operation Dynamic Array Linked List
Insert Front O(n) O(1)
Insert Middle O(n) O(n)
Insert End O(1) O(1)
Remove Front O(n) O(1)
Remove Middle O(n) O(n)
Remove End O(1) O(1)

We can conclude the following:

Thinking back about stacks and queues, the stack did the push and pop operations from the end. Therefore, a stack can use either a dynamic array or linked list equally well. However, since a queue did the enqueue and dequeue operations from the end and the front, a queue should always be implemented with a linked list. This strong statement only applies when the size of the data is "large" (recall discussions earlier about big O). If we only have a small number of items in the queue, then both a dynamic array and linked list will run fast enough.

Video Discussion (Optional)

The following video is optional. It presents a brief discussion of the topic.

Activity Instructions

Complete the following activity:

On a sheet of paper, draw a doubly-linked list and follow along with the following operations shown below. You should draw new boxes and arrows, and erase boxes and arrows exactly as shown in the reading material above.

Try the process first on your own, but if you need help, feel free to reference the steps shown above to walk you through the process.

Begin with a list containing A B C D, then perform the following operations:

  1. Insert X at the head.
  2. Insert Y in between B and C.
  3. Remove D (the tail).
  4. Remove B.

Key Terms

doubly-linked list
A linked list that is bi-directional. The linked list will maintain both a head and a tail. To traverse in either direction, the node will have both a pointer to the next node and the previous node. Access to both the head and tail is O(1).
A pointer to the first node in the linked list.
linked list
A data structure that keeps data in order but is not in contiguous memory. To get to the next (or previous) item in the list, pointers are maintained and followed. Access to the head is O(1).
A pointer in each node of the linked list that points to the next node.
The combination of the value and the pointers representing one item in the linked list.
Refers to an address in the computer memory. Also called a reference.
A pointer to the last node in the linked list. If the list has only one item, then the head and tail are the same.
The actual data stored in the linked list as part of the node.
A pointer in each of the linked list nodes that points to the previous node.


When you have finished this learning activity, return to I-Learn and submit the associated quiz there.

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