CSE 212: Programming with Data Structures

Code 04: Linked Lists

This assignment must be completed individually to ensure you are meeting all course outcomes. You should not complete this assignment within a group. If you obtain help from a tutor, the tutor should help you understand principles but should not help you answer these problems. It is an honor code violation to obtain answers for these problems from others including using the internet (i.e. sites that allow students to share their solutions).

Running and Debugging


As you solve the problems, remember to use the principles learned previously in the course:

All of the files for this assignment will be found in the course Git repository in the week04/code folder. You will commit changes to your own repository for your submission for this assignment.

Insert Tail

Implement the InsertTail function in the LinkedList class. The function should add a new node (Node) at the end of the linked list. Hint: Consider the code already written for InsertHead.

Remove Tail

Implement the RemoveTail function in the LinkedList class. The function should remove the last node. Hint: Consider the code already written for RemoveHead.


Implement the Remove function in the LinkedList class. The function will need to search for the node (starting at the head) that contains the value and then remove that one node. The function should not continue searching the list once a match has been found and the node has been deleted. Hint: You may be able to reuse the RemoveHead and RemoveTail functions.


Implement the Replace function in the LinkedList class. The function should search for all nodes that are equal to oldValue and then replace the value in those nodes with newValue. Unlike the remove function, this function should continue searching through the list to replace all values that match oldValue.

Reversed Iterator

The GetEnumerator function provides the ability to iterate forward through a LinkedList object using a foreach loop such as foreach (var item in myLinkedList). When a foreach loop starts, the GetEnumerator function will start. Each time the yield return statement runs, it will provide a new value to the foreach loop and pause the GetEnumerator function. When the foreach loop goes to the next iteration, it will continue running the GetEnumerator function again until it gets to the next yield return which will provide the next value to the foreach loop. You can use the following test code to see how the GetEnumerator function works:

foreach(var item in myLinkedList)

The Reverse function is used to iterate backwards. Implement the Reverse function in the LinkedList class. Hint: Pattern your solution after the GetEnumerator function that was already written for you and that was described above. To test the Reverse function, you can use the following code:

foreach(var item in myLinkedList.Reverse())


To receive full credit on this assignment, you must successfully complete any four of the five problems. If you complete all five problems you are eligible to receive extra credit.


When you have finished the assignment:

  1. Make sure that all of your changes are committed to your course repository.
  2. Push your latest changes to GitHub.
  3. Return to I-Learn to submit a link to your GitHub repository.

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