CSE 212: Programming with Data Structures

W02 Code: Queues


This assignment must be completed individually to ensure you are meeting all course outcomes. You should not complete this assignment with a group. If you obtain help from a tutor, the tutor should help you understand principles but should not help you answer these problems. It is an honor code violation to obtain answers for these problems from others including using the internet (i.e. sites that allow students to share their solutions).

Running and Debugging


All of the coding files for this assignment will be found in the course week02/code folder in the course repository. You will commit changes to your own repository and push them to GitHub for your submission for this assignment.

For this assignment, you will write test cases and results directly in the test methods of the appropriate*_Tests.cs files.

Taking Turns Queue

  1. Examine the following code file: TakingTurnsQueue_Tests.cs (Note: Do not read through the referenced code first. Instead, proceed with the instructions below).
  2. The TakingTurnsQueue class maintains a circular queue of people. When a person is added, they are assigned a number of turns (a value of 0 or less means that they have an infinite number of turns). When a person is removed from the queue, they are re-added to the queue if they still have turns left. Here are the detailed requirements (which cannot be changed):
    1. The AddPerson function shall enqueue a person into the queue.
    2. The GetNextPerson function shall dequeue a person from the queue and return them.
    3. When a person is dequeued and still has turns left, they shall be enqueued again.
    4. When a person is dequeued and has an infinite number of turns (defined as having number of turns of 0 or less), they shall be enqueued again.
    5. If the queue is empty, then an error exception shall be thrown.
  3. Test cases are already written for you in the code. Run the tests and find the errors.
  4. Summarize the results of the tests and the errors found within the test case documentation above each test case. Do not change the code of the test cases themselves.
  5. Fix the code so that all requirements are implemented correctly. You know that you are done because the provided test cases will all pass.

Priority Queue

  1. Examine the following code file: PriorityQueue_Tests.cs (Note: Do not read through the referenced code first. Instead, proceed with the instructions below).
  2. The PriorityQueue class maintains a queue where each value put in the queue also has a priority (higher numbers have a higher priority). When you add to the queue, it goes to the back as expected. When you remove from the queue, the highest priority item is removed. If there are multiple values with the same high priority, then the first one (following the FIFO strategy) is removed first. Here are the detailed requirements (which cannot be changed):
    1. The Enqueue function shall add an item (which contains both data and priority) to the back of the queue.
    2. The Dequeue function shall remove the item with the highest priority and return its value.
    3. If there are more than one item with the highest priority, then the item closest to the front of the queue will be removed and its value returned.
    4. If the queue is empty, then an error exception shall be thrown.
  3. Write your own test cases based on these requirements within the test case documentation in PriorityQueue_Tests.cs. Ensure that your tests cover all of the requirements listed above.
  4. Run your test cases and find the errors. If your tests were not sufficient, you might not find all the errors in the code. You should summarize the results of the tests and the errors found within the test case documentation above each test case.
  5. Fix the code so that all requirements are implemented correctly. You know that you are done because the test cases will all pass (assuming your test cases were sufficient).


When you have finished the assignment:

  1. Make sure that all of your changes are committed to your course repository.
  2. Push your latest changes to GitHub.
  3. Return to I-Learn to submit a link to your GitHub repository.