CSE 121b: Week 07

Wrapping it all Up

Assessing Online Sources

Throughout this course, you've been exposed to multiple sources of information about the language. This week, you are asked to spend about three hours pondering and reasoning about the sources of information you've experienced.

Your pondering and reasoning should include thinking about these types of things. What, do you think, made the difference between a good source and one that wasn't so good? Have you learned to tell reputable sources from iffy ones? How have you begun to differentiate between reputable and iffy sources? If, for example, you were going to answer someone's coding question about this language, what should you do to be a reputable source? What online sources have you used and in what order would you rank them for quality and usability?

While doing this pondering, create rules for yourself regarding what differentiates a good source from a poor one. Compare your set of rules with those created by your team members. Then ponder again to see if you should, or should not, update your rule set to include ideas from their rule sets.