CSE 121B: JavaScript Language

Final Project Description


The final project is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your mastery of the JavaScript language learning outcomes as presented in the course.

Project Requirements

Your project must meet the following functional and developmental specifications:

These are the minimum specifications for the project. You are encouraged to go above and beyond these requirements to demonstrate your mastery of the course learning outcomes.

  1. Project must be a JavaScript application that is hosted and rendered by GitHub Pages.
  2. Must interact with the DOM of an HTML document.
    CSS is optional but highly encouraged at a basic level. It is OK to use a CSS framework but do NOT let this get in the way of the main objective of the final project.
  3. Include conditional branching.
  4. Use an array method.
  5. Exclusively use template literals when building strings.
  6. The project must consume external data using Fetch and where the data is delivered in JSON format be that through a third-party API or your own data source.

    There are many public and free APIs that you can use. Here are some examples:

    You may elect to meet the external data requirement by using a service like mocky.io to store your JSON data and serve it up. The mocky.io service freely stores your JSON data and provides you with a URL that you can use to retrieve it in your code.


  1. Your project should be stored in its own subfolder within cse121b.
  2. Return to Canvas and submit the project's URL.