CSE 121B: JavaScript Language

W04: Programming Task

In your previous weeks' tasks, you declared and used individual variables. In this task, you are to rework the home page biography task from week 02 using object literals.



  1. Download the starter files (2). Place the w04-task.html file on the root cse121b folder and the w04-task.js file in the scripts folder.

Object Literal

Do the following work in the w04-task.js file which is linked to the w04-task.html file.
Do 🚫not alter your index.html file.
  1. Declare a new object literal variable named myProfile to hold information about yourself and assign an empty object to the variable.
    Check Your Understanding
            let myProfile = {};
  2. Add a property to this object literal named name and set its value to be your name as a string.
    Check Your Understanding
                    let myProfile = {
      name: "Patrick Juarez"
  3. Add a property named photo. Set its value to be an image's path and name (one used in Programming Task 2) as a string.
  4. Add a property named favoriteFoods. Set its value to be an array of your favorite foods as strings
    Check Your Understanding - Example
        favoriteFoods: [
          'Tikka Masala',
          'Banana Cream Pie'
  5. Add a property named hobbies. Set its value to be an array of your hobbies as strings.
  6. Add a property named placesLived. Set its value to be an empty array.
  7. Using code outside of the myProfile definition, add an item to the placesLived array where this new item itself is object with two properties: place and length and for each of these properties, add appropriate values as strings.
    Check Your Understanding
    // This occurs outside of the object definition.
        place: 'San Francisco, CA',
        length: '1 year'
  8. Add additional object literals with appropriate values to the placesLived array for each place you have lived.

DOM Manipulation (Output)

  1. Assign the value of the name property of the myProfile object to the HTML element with an ID of name.
    Check Your Understanding
    document.querySelector('#name').textContent = myProfile.name;
  2. Assign the value of the photo property as the src attribute of the HTML <img> with an ID of photo.
  3. Assign the value of the name property as the alt attribute of the HTML <img> with an ID of photo.
  4. For each favorite food in the favoriteFoods property,
    💡Use a forEach loop to iterate over the favoriteFoods array.
    1. create an HTML <li> element (💡createElement),
    2. place the value of the favoriteFoods array element into the textContent of this new li element, and then
    3. append this new <li> element with content as a child of the HTML <ul> element with an ID of favorite-foods.
    Check Your Understanding
    myProfile.favoriteFoods.forEach(food => {
      let li = document.createElement('li');
      li.textContent = food;
    💡What is the difference between append method and the appendChild() method when it comes to manipulating the DOM and adding elements to a parent element?
  5. Repeat the previous process of creating a list of items for each hobby in the hobbies property of the object and appending each item to the HTML <ul> element with an ID of hobbies.
  6. For each object in the placesLived property:
    • Create an HTML <dt> element and put its place property in the <dt> element.
    • Create an HTML <dd> element and put its length property in the <dd> element
  7. Append the HTML <dt> and <dd> elements created above to the HTML <dl> element with an ID of places-lived.


Screenshot Example of Programming Task Output
Figure 2: Example Output


  1. Commit and push your programming task work to your cse121b GitHub Pages enabled repo.
  2. Submit the URL of your rendered page on GitHub to Canvas.

    💡Here is an example of what the URL should look like:




    is OK because each assignment is already included in the provided navigation structure on this home page for the course.