CSE 121B: JavaScript Language

W03: Programming Task



Example File and Folder Structure
Figure 1: Example File and Folder Structure
  1. Download the starter files (2). Place the w03-task.html file on the root cse121b folder and the w03-task.js file in the scripts folder.

Function Declaration

For Steps 2 through 5, use VS Code to edit the w03-task.js file.
✔️Addition Feature
  1. Using function declaration, define a function named add that takes two arguments and assigns them to the parameters number1 and number2.
    Check Your Understanding
    function add (number1, number2) {
      // function body
  2. In the function body, return the sum of the parameters number1 and number2.
    Check Your Understanding
    return number1 + number2;
  3. Using a function declaration, define another function named addNumbers that gets the values of two HTML form controls with IDs of add1 and add2.
    💡When getting the values of the HTML form controls (e.g., <input>), use the value property and go ahead and convert those strings to numbers.
    Check Your Understanding
    let addNumber1 = Number(document.querySelector('#add1').value);
  4. Next, in the addNumbers function, call the add function using those two arguments and assign the return value to an HTML form element with an ID of sum
    Check Your Understanding
    document.querySelector('#sum').value = add(addNumber1, addNumber2);
  5. Add a "click" event listener to the HTML button with an ID of addNumbers that calls the addNumbers function. This line of code is NOT located inside a function. Why❔
    Check Your Understanding
    document.querySelector('#addNumbers').addEventListener('click', addNumbers);

Function Expression

✔️Subtraction Feature
  1. Using function expressions, repeat the items in Step 2 with new functions named subtract and subtractNumbers and HTML form controls with IDs of subtract1, subtract2, subtractNumbers, and difference.
    💡You should verify that these are the form control ID values.

Arrow Functions

✔️Multiplication Feature
  1. Using arrow functions, repeat the items in Step 2 with arrow functions named multiply and multiplyNumbers and HTML form controls with IDs of factor1, factor2, multiplyNumbers, and product.

Your Choice

✔️Division Feature
  1. Using any combination of function declaration types, repeat the items in Step 2 with new functions named divide and divideNumbers and HTML form controls with IDs of dividend, divisor, divideNumbers, and quotient.
    Remember that you can view the provided HTML file to see the structure and IDs of the HTML elements on the page to gain reference and context.

Selection Structures

  1. Add an event listener for the Get Total Due button when clicked that invokes the following functionality:
    1. Declare and instantiate a variable that stores the numeric value entered by the user in the subtotal field.
      User input validation is not required in this task, however, input validation is best practice. Consider adding it as a stretch goal by checking that the input value is a valid, numeric amount.
    2. Check IF the membership checkbox has been checked by the user to apply a 20% discount to the subtotal amount.
    3. Output the total to the the total span in the format shown with two decimals using a template string.

Array Methods - Functional Programming

  1. Declare and instantiate an array variable to hold the numbers 1 through 13.
    Check Your Understanding
    let numbersArray = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13];
  2. Assign the value of the array variable to the HTML element with an ID of array.
  3. Use the filter() array method to find all of the odd numbers of the array variable and assign the result to the HTML element with an ID of odds
    💡Hint: Use the modulus operator % to find the remainder of dividing a number by 2. If the remainder is 1, the number is odd. If the remainder is 0, the number is even.
  4. Use the filter() array method to find all of the even numbers of the array variable and assign the result to the HTML element with an ID of evens.
    Check Your Understanding
    document.querySelector('#evens').innerHTML = numbersArray.filter(number => number % 2 === 0);
  5. Use the reduce() array method to sum the array variable elements and assign the result to the HTML element with an ID of sumOfArray
    Check Your Understanding

    expression example only

    numbersArray.reduce((sum, number) => sum + number)
  6. Use the map() array method to multiple each element in the array variable by 2 and assign the result to the HTML element with an ID of multiplied.
    Check Your Understanding

    expression example only

    numbersArray.map(number => number * 2)
  7. Use the map() and reduce() array methods to sum the array elements after multiplying each element by two. Assign the result to the HTML element with an ID of sumOfMultiplied.


Screenshot of Task 3 Complete
Figure 2: Screenshot of sample data in a completed app.


  1. Commit and push your work to GitHub.
  2. Submit the GitHub Pages rendered URL in Canvas.

    💡Here is an example of what the URL should look like:




    is OK because each assignment is already included in the provided navigation structure on this home page for the course.