CSE 121B: JavaScript Language

W02: Programming Task


You will build your cse121b site home page named index.html. The structure, style, and some of the responsive menu programming will be provided. The task is to complete a series of programming enhancements to supply content to this new page using JavaScript document manipulation.

💡 In order for the script to affect the HTML document, the HTML must reference the source of the JavaScript so that the HTML DOM can be manipulated (edited). This JavaScript file(s) will be external to the HTML document. The <script> element will be used to reference the external JS file.



Screenshot of File and Folder Structure
Figure 1: Example File and Folder Structure
  1. Download the starter files, unzip the files, and place those unzipped files and folders as given into the cse121b folder.

    The starter files contain an index.html file and three folders named scripts, styles, and images. There are two .js files in scripts, one image file in images, and one css file in styles. The only file you will be modifying to complete this assignment is named w02-task.js in the scripts folder. You will be adding one (1) image file to the images folder.

  2. Test the page in your local browser by using Open with Live Server on the index.html file.
  3. Place an image of yourself into the images folder by dragging and dropping the image file into the images folder in VS Code or by using your operating system's file manager. The image should be at least 300 pixels in width and at least 300 pixels in height but does not need to be a square.
  4. You can keep the placeholder.png file in the images folder or delete it.


Open the w02-task.js file in VS Code for editing to complete the rest of these activity steps.
  1. Declare and instantiate a variable to hold your name. Identify the variable as "fullName".
    Check Your Understanding
            let fullName = 'Patricia Juarez';
    💡A const declaration is OK to use to declare this variable because the value will not change in this application.
    💡You can use single quotes ('), double quotes ("), or backticks (`) to surround the string (sequence of characters) data type value.
  2. Declare and instantiate a variable to hold the current year. Identify the variable as "currentYear".
  3. Declare and instantiate a variable to hold the file path (location) and file name of the image that you placed in the images folder as a string. Identify the variable as "profilePicture".
    Example path: 'images/yourprofileimagename.png'
    The file path will be relative to the location of the HTML document and the name and type of image matches your own image.

Set the HTML Element Variables

  1. Use the document.getElementById() method to get the HTML element with the id of name and store it in a const variable named "nameElement".
    Check Your Understanding
    const nameElement = document.getElementById('name');
    🚑 getElementById - MDN Web Docs
  2. Use the document.getElementById() method to get the HTML element with the id of food and store it in a const variable named "foodElement".
  3. Use the document.querySelector() method to get the element with the id of "year" and store it in a variable named "yearElement".
    Check Your Understanding
    const yearElement = document.querySelector('#year');
    🚑 querySelector - MDN Web Docs
    Note the # in the selector string to indicate the id attribute value. 🪲This syntax detail is often missed.
  4. Use any viable method to get the profile image element stored into a variable named "imageElement".
    🚫Do NOT edit the HTML markup in the HTML page.

Adding Content to the Document

  1. Assign the nameElement's innerHTML property the fullName variable value.
  2. Surround the fullName value with <strong> tags.
    💡Use a template literal to create the string with HTML tags.
    Check Your Understanding
    nameElement.innerHTML = `<strong>${fullName}</strong>`;
    💡Note that using the textContent property instead of innerHTML in this example would not work because the expression contains HTML markup that needs to be rendered. Using textContent will render the HTML markup as text, which is not what is wanted.
  3. Use the textContent property to set the value of the element to the value of the variable currentYear.
  4. Use the setAttribute method to set the src property of the image element and set its value to the file path variable set in Step 2.
    Check Your Understanding
    imageElement.setAttribute('src', profilePicture);
    Alternatively, you can use the src property directly to set the value of the image element's src property.
  5. Use the setAttribute method to set the alt property of the image element and set its value to equal 'Profile image of [Insert Name Variable]' where the name variable comes from Step 2. Always use a template literal to create the string.
Screenshot example of finished assignment.
Figure 2: Example Assignment in Mobile View
Click for Full Screen View


  1. Declare an array variable to hold your favorite foods.
    Hint Use [] and fill it with your favorite foods as strings. What you name the array variable is up to you.
  2. Modify the HTML element with the id of food to display your favorite foods array. 💡Remember that you set a variable named foodElement in Step 3 to reference the element with the id of food.
  3. Declare and instantiate a variable to hold another single favorite food item.
  4. Add the value stored in this new variable to your favorite food array.
    Hint Use the array push() method to add the new item to the array.
  5. Append the new array values onto the displayed content of the HTML element with the id of food using a += operator and a <br> (line break character) to provide a line break as shown in Figure 2.
    Check Your Understanding
    foodElement.innerHTML += `<br>${favFoods}`;
  6. Remove the first element in the favorite food array.
  7. Again, append the array output showing the modified array, using a line break as shown in step 5.5.
  8. Remove the last element in the favorite food array.
  9. Append the array output with this final modified favorite foods array. Hint: Step 5.5.


💡Remember that you do not need to be on the internet to test and debug your work using Live Server or equivalent which renders your page on your default browser, locally.


  1. Commit and push your work to GitHub.
  2. Submit the your GitHub Pages enabled cse121b URL in Canvas.
    💡Here is an example of what the URL should look like:

    This points to the home page of your cse121b site (the index.html file which does not need to be in the URL reference because it is the default file)