CSE 111: Programming with Functions

W07 Reflection

Congratulations! You successfully made it to the final lesson of CSE 111.

During this course you learned to write programs organized with functions to solve significant problems in a variety of domains, which was the major outcome of this course. In addition, you learned to do the following:

Each of these skills will transfer to other programming languages that you learn in your future. Also, researching modules, objects, and functions written by others gave you important practice in lifelong learning. Even though the work of this course may have been challenging at times, you showed skill in thinking analytically, breaking down problems into manageable pieces, working with others, and debugging abstract problems. These are skills that will transfer to any field of study or career path that you choose.


  1. Download the Reflection Document Template.
  2. Answer each question thoroughly (at least 3 sentences each).
  3. Return to Canvas to:
    1. Submit your reflection document.
    2. Take the outcome self-assessment quiz.


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