Sample Solution
The following shows one way to solve this problem. It is not the only way this problem can be solved.
Author: Brother Burton
Purpose: Use functions to calculate areas.
import math
def compute_area_square(side):
return side * side
def compute_area_rectangle(length, width):
return length * width
def compute_area_circle(radius):
return math.pi * radius * radius
# The main program starts here...
shape = ""
while shape != "quit":
shape = input("What shape do you have? ")
# Convert it to lower case once, so we don't have to keep converting it
shape = shape.lower()
if shape == "square":
side = float(input("What is the length of the side? "))
area = compute_area_square(side)
print(f"The area is {area}")
elif shape == "rectangle":
length = float(input("What is the length? "))
width = float(input("What is the width? "))
area = compute_area_rectangle(length, width)
print(f"The area is {area}")
elif shape == "circle":
radius = float(input("What is the radius? "))
area = compute_area_circle(radius)
print(f"The area is {area}")
Author: Brother Burton
Purpose: Use functions to calculate areas.
import math
def compute_area_square(side):
return side * side
def compute_area_rectangle(length, width):
return length * width
def compute_area_circle(radius):
return math.pi * radius * radius
# The main program starts here...
shape = ""
while shape != "quit":
shape = input("What shape do you have? ")
# Convert it to lower case once, so we don't have to keep converting it
shape = shape.lower()
if shape == "square":
side = float(input("What is the length of the side? "))
area = compute_area_square(side)
print(f"The area is {area}")
elif shape == "rectangle":
length = float(input("What is the length? "))
width = float(input("What is the width? "))
area = compute_area_rectangle(length, width)
print(f"The area is {area}")
elif shape == "circle":
radius = float(input("What is the radius? "))
area = compute_area_circle(radius)
print(f"The area is {area}")