CSE 110: Introduction to Programming

W06 Reflection

Regardless of whether we start in abundant or difficult circumstances, we will realize our ultimate potential only when we make God our partner.

I recently had a conversation with a nationally prominent educator who was inquiring about the success of BYU-Pathway. He was bright and his inquiry was sincere, but he clearly wanted a secular response. I shared with him our retention programs and mentoring efforts. But I concluded by saying, “These are all good practices, but the real reason our students are progressing is because we teach them their divine potential. Imagine if your whole life, you were told you could never succeed. Then consider the impact of being taught that you are an actual son or daughter of God with divine possibility.” He paused, then replied simply, “That's powerful.”

--Elder Clark Gilbert, October 2021 General Conference


One of the outcomes of this course is for you to not only learn to write code, but also to develop confidence in learning new programming skills. To this end, it is important to periodically reflect back on your progress and consider how your learning is going.

As part of this reflection, at the end of each week, you will answer a question that has you reflect on some aspect of your learning that week. Then, you'll also have a chance to bring up anything you are feeling nervous about. Finally, if you're feeling completely overwhelmed, this is a chance to share that with the instructor as well.

Your instructor will review these reflections and use that to respond to the class as a whole about topics that may need more help.

You will receive full credit for any submission, but to increase your personal development, please respond thoughtfully.


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