CSE 110: Introduction to Programming

Sample Solution

The following shows one way to solve this problem. It is not the only way this problem can be solved.


Author: Brother Burton

Purpose: Practicing with list indexes.

# First prepare the list, just like the previous checkpoint
print("Please enter the items of the shopping list (type: quit to finish):")

shopping_list = []
item = None

while item != "quit":
    item = input("Item: ")

    if item != "quit":

# We now have the list. Print it out to verify:
print("\nThe shopping list is:")
for item in shopping_list:

print("\nThe shopping list with indexes is:")
for i in range(len(shopping_list)):
    item = shopping_list[i]
    print(f"{i}. {item}")

    # I could have just put shopping_list[i] directly in my print statement
    # rather than creating a separate variable if I wanted. I decided to do it
    # this way to make it easier to read.

index = int(input("Which item would you like to change? "))
new_item = input("What is the new item? ")

shopping_list[index] = new_item

print("\nThe shopping list with indexes is:")
for i in range(len(shopping_list)):
    item = shopping_list[i]
    print(f"{i}. {item}")

Download: prepare_indexes_sample.py