CSE 110: Introduction to Programming

W01 Individual Activity: ID Badge Generator

Special Instructions for this Week's Activity

Each week will contain a team activity. These activities are designed to take about one hour and should be completed by multiple people working together.

You need gather for a synchronous video call, where everyone can see the code that is being written and help contribute.

For this lesson, because the teams may not be fully defined you will work on the activity individually, but you are encouraged to collaborate with others by asking and answering questions in the course discussion.

Even though you will not meet with a team this week, to help you see how the process will work, this activity is set up identically to the future team activities, including the Canvas quiz that you will submit upon completion. For this lesson, you should simply answer "True" to any questions that ask if you met with your team or were on time to the meeting, etc. In future lessons, you should answer those questions honestly, according to what you actually did.


An ID badge, such as a drivers license or student ID, contains personal details that are formatted in a very specific way.

For this activity you will write a program that will create a properly formatted ID badge.


Write a program to prompt the user for the following:

Then you should display the information back in this format:

Note that the square brackets [] indicate a value coming from the user and should not be displayed.

[LAST NAME], [first name]
[Job title]
ID: [id number]

[email address]
[phone number]

In addition to the spacing and punctuation shown above, you must implement the following requirements:

An example of the program running is shown:

Please enter the following information:

First name: Jane
Last name: Doe
Email address: JaneDoe@email.com
Phone number: (208) 555-1234
Job title: chief software architect
ID Number: 83-23821

The ID Card is:
DOE, Jane
Chief Software Architect
ID: 83-23821

(208) 555-1234

Core Requirements

Each team activity will contain three core requirements. These are items that you are expected to be able to complete during the one hour team meeting if you have come prepared.

You should work through the assignment in this order:

  1. Prompt for all of the necessary values and store them in variables. Then display each item to the screen, without worrying about any spacing, punctuation, or formatting yet.

  2. Arrange the display so that the spacing and punctuation exactly match the example shown.

  3. Use the built-in string methods to make the last name display in all caps, the job title display in "title case," and the email display in all lowercase.

Stretch Challenge

Most team activities will also contain stretch challenges, which are not specifically required by the assignment, but are a great way to dive deeper into the material. They can be more difficult and may require you to find solutions that weren't directly covered in the preparation material.

The stretch challenges for this activity are:

  1. Add hair color and eye color and put them both on the same line in the display.

  2. Add a field for the name of the month they started and also a yes/no field for whether they have completed advanced training. Put these both on the same line in the display.

  3. For the two lines that you just added, make it so that the second columns align, regardless of how many letters are in the responses.

    To complete this one, you may need to search the internet for something like, "python spacing format" or something similar to see if you get any ideas.

At the end of the stretch challenge, your output should look something like the following:

The ID Card is:
DOE, Jane
Chief Software Architect
ID: 83-23821

(208) 555-1234

Hair: Brown           Eyes: Blue
Month: September      Training: Yes

Sample Solution

When your program is finished, please view the sample solution for this program to compare it to your approach.

You should work to complete this activity for the one hour period first, without looking at the sample solution. However, if you have worked on it for at least an hour and are still having problems, you may feel free to use the sample solution to help you finish your program.


When you are finished:

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